Spirituality Book Club
Now Meeting In-Person Only
Every Third Thursday at 6:30 PM
at The Doylestown Bookshop
16 S Main St, Doylestown
For progressive spiritual seekers...
Read and discuss a new book every month from a variety of faith traditions and spiritual perspectives, to broaden and nurture your spiritual journey.
Books are chosen by David Green and group members, who take turns leading each month's discussion.
Everyone is welcome - this is a community group, open to all.
What we're reading & discussing in 2022...
Click links to learn more about each book, and purchase.
If you live in Bucks County, PA, please purchase your books from the Doylestown & Lahaska Bookshops, a locally-owned independent bookseller. The Doylestown Bookshop is our meeting location, (every 3rd Thursday at 6:30 PM starting May 26), located at 16 S Main St, Doylestown. Our monthly meetings are hybrid in-person/Zoom gatherings.
Live beyond Bucks? Please support your local independent bookseller. Otherwise, if you must purchase from Amazon.com, please sign up for AMAZON SMILE and designate Salem United Church of Christ as your charity of choice. A portion of your purchase helps support Salem. Thank you!