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Kids @ Salem

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Sunday School
Sunday School is available for children ages Pre-K through 6th grade, from September through June. There is no Sunday School on the first Sunday of the month when the congregation participates in intergenerational worship.
The Pray-Ground
Younger children are welcome to worship in our Pray-Ground, located in the front of the Sanctuary. This area is equipped with art supplies, soft toys, books, and rocking chairs for little bodies that need to wiggle while they worship.
Neuro-Diverse Friends
We understand that the music and sounds of worship can lead to sensory overload, especially for our youngest friends. The Pray-Ground is equipped with earphones, fidgets, and rocking chairs. It's always fine if your child needs to get up and move around.
Children & Stewardship
Before the "Time for Children" each Sunday, our kids collect food in a red wagon and a "noisy offering" (of loose change) with small orange buckets. The food helps stock our little free food pantry and the money collected is invested by the children in local mission work. 

The Rainbow Room

Salem is proud to be the home of the Rainbow Room of Central Bucks.  Programs include:


The Rainbow Room

Ages 14-21 | Wednesdays from 6-8



Ages 10-14 | Thursdays from 6-7:30


Raising Rainbows

Ages 9 and under | On Hiatus


Learn more here

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